Zonolite Insulation is the trademarked name of a product mined in Libby, MT, and sold as attic insulation between the 1940's and mid-1980's. Consisting of the naturally occurring mineral vermiculite, Zonolite was used for decades to insulate millions of American homes. This attic insulation was typically gray-brown or silver-gold in color, consisting of a pebble-like texture. Part of its popularity within the construction industry stemmed from the fact it was lightweight and fire-resistant. Unfortunately, “Libby vermiculite” or Zonolite is known to have contained a small amount of hazardous asbestos. Although not all vermiculite is the Zonolite brand or contains asbestos, the EPA advises that you should assume that vermiculite contains asbestos. Zonolite attic insulation, or “ZAI,” may prove harmful to residents because it remains in many attics and homes across the United States and because it is considered “friable", i.e, easily disturbed and distributed into the air.
Pursuant to a legal settlement, W.R. Grace, which operated the Zonolite company from 1963-1990, has funded an independent Trust and claims facility from which eligible claimants may receive partial reimbursement of their cost to remove or contain ZAI in their homes. The Trust will operate for a minimum of 20 years educating the public about the existence of the Trust and the potential health effects associated with asbestos-containing Vermiculite/ZAI. Removing Zonolite as a do-it-yourself project should not be attempted because of the friable asbestos.
*Maximum amount subject to change due to increases in consumer price index. The maximum amount is also subject to a REDUCTION if it is determined that it is not feasible at the then present time to pay claimants 100% of the Allowed Amount due to cash flow issues arising from the timing of payments to the Trust by W.R. Grace. If a downward adjustment to the payment percentage is necessary, the Trustee may pay claimants less than 100% of the Allowed Amount of an approved claim and instead may pay claims during the period of insufficient cash flow at a lower rate determined by the Trustee so as to allow all approved claims to be paid ratably during the entire period of predicted decreased cash flow. To the extent that the next payment by W.R. Grace resolves the cash flow issue, claimants paid at a lower rate will be entitled to a supplemental payment equal to the difference, if any, between the payment already received and the payment that would have been made at the current payment percentage.
The ZAI Trust was created for the benefit of homeowners with the ZONOLITE brand of vermiculite attic insulation. Specifically, Trust funds are used to reimburse homeowners a portion of their cost to remove or contain Zonolite attic insulation.
In order to be eligible for reimbursement a claimant must be able to show:
That vermiculite is the Zonolite Brand. This is called the Product Identification (PID) requirement AND
How much was paid to have the vermiculite removed or contained. This is called the Expense Requirement.
Assuming a claimant meets the PID and proof of expense requirement, he/she may receive a reimbursement contribution of up to 55% of eligible abatement costs with a maximum reimbursement amount of up to $5,250.47*, depending on the year in which the removal occurred. Claimants are encouraged to submit ALL documented expenses for vermiculite removal AND reinsulation.
ZAI Claims Summary
Trust Distribution Procedures(TDP)